
TreeRing Time v8 Upgrade OT Calculation if not Weekly or BiWeekly

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TreeRing Time v8 Upgrade OT Calculation if not Weekly or BiWeekly

Something we need to keep in mind going forward with TC8 conversion clients.

If a company has a pay period that is not Weekly or BiWeekly.  (Let’s say BiMonthly)  They will have an issue with the 1st pay period in TC8 when they go live with OT.


OT week runs Sunday 00:00 to Saturday 23:59.  

Pay Period starts (on go live) 9/1/17.

9/1/17 is a Friday. 

So the punches from the Sunday before 9/1/17 (8/27/17) should count torwards OT for the week ending that Saturday night 9/2/17 at 23:59.

But since the data before go live is just a report in Historical data it does not calculate the time before 9/1/17 for OT.  So if they went into OT it does not have the previous time in TC8 to use for that to happen.

They will have to manually redistribute the time as needed to OT.  This would only happen the first pay period but it will happen.

So we need to make our clients aware of this going forward when they go live on TC8 if they have a non Weekly or BiWeekly pay period.